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New Contract Metallics

New Contract Metallics

New Contract Metallics

After previewing new Type II metallic wallpapers in our booth at BDNY 2023, all of our new designs are now ready to order, along with an expanded range of colors for each design.


Type II materials can be used for both commercial and domestic spaces, and each of our new designs and colorways feature metallic elements.

New designs ready for release include Spectrum, Robot Universe, Warped Check, and Ying Dot. And from the AW archive, we’ve made new metallic colorways for Bloom and Star Tiger, as well as for Reflection from Aimée’s Shadow Wildling collection. 


Star Tiger Metallic Vert


Ying Dot Metallic Yasu


Robot Universe Metallic Elio


Spectrum is a customizable mural wall covering. Its pattern is created by a screen of polka dots that subtly changes color from top to bottom along a spectrum gradient from red to violet. What makes Spectrum a “mural” wall covering — as opposed to a typical repeating wallpaper pattern — is that we will custom-edit the color shift for the height of your wall, whether it’s an intimate room or a vaulted space with very high walls. 

Spectrum comes with an extra fee for customization — please email us at orders@aimeewilder.com for a quote.


Spectrum Metallic Celebration


Spectrum Metallic 8-Bit


Warped Check is a funky, uniquely distorted checker pattern. It is available in 3 different sizes — small, medium, large — and each of these three options can be customized to fit the size of your space. To inquire about Warped Check, let us know your wall dimensions. 

If you would like to get a quote for any of these wall coverings, send us an email with your wall measurements to orders@aimeewilder.com


Warped Check Metallic Chess


Warped Check Metallic Pearl